Richings Park Sports Day
Golden Jubilee June 2002.
I have been clearing out old DVDs and came across this DVD of the event that celebrated the Golden Jubilee in June 2002.
Every street in the Park was represented in a 'Jeux sans frontiers' (Game without frontiers) game show where street competed against street.
The Sports Club was packed with residents doing; Tug of war, sumo wrestling, bouncy castle games, football etc.
At the end of the games (and I dont know which street won) all celebrated with tea and no doubt a few drinks to round off the day.
See how many were involved - it was an amazingly organised event by a committee of residents, led by Roger Sprules.
See if you can recognise your younger self or your neighbours and spot some people who have now left us - Maureen who is now deceased, Alan Oxley now living in Australia.