Residents' Asociation

Click here to go to the repair cafe web site
Heathrow and drones, and what you need to know.
Much of Richings Park is in the area where drones are forbidden to fly.
Smartville operates across Richings Park and around Iver Parish. ANPR cameras are sited at strategic entry and exit points and can be accessed by quoting a crime reference number. See more on the MORE tab above, as well as information on Neighbourhood Watch.
The minutes of the November Road Stewards Committee meeting can be read here.
The next meeting is Monday 24th February 2025 at 7.30 pm at the Sports Club.
The AGM will be held on Monday, 28th April 2025.
The agenda and Information will be sent out prior to the meeting.
If you are interested in volunteering to use the hand held camera please let us know here or on the contact form at the bottom of this page if you have any other ideas to slow down speeding cars along Richings Way and North Park. ​
We have set up a working group which includes County Councillor Paul Griffin, a couple of the committee, Nick Jones and Julia Hill and a few residents to look at how we manage the speeding
and often appalling driving that occurs along our perimeter roads.
What's on at Iver Environment Centre in 2025. Click here to go to the Colne Valley and Iver Environment Centre page for a full list of events. Put the dates in your calendar so you don't forget them.
Working together for our community
Who are we?
A group of proud residents, who love where we live and volunteer our time for the betterment of the Richings Park and Thorney communities.
We are a committee of volunteers who all live in Richings Park. We have a chairman elected from within the committee, and we meet monthly, championing all things Richings Park and Thorney. Each committee member is responsible for a road in Richings Park, enabling us to deliver information and newsletters informing you of what is going on and important news.
We encourage each road to have a What's App group in case urgent information is needed to be shared quickly.
Please contact us on the contact form below to be added to your road group.
You can find a list of the committee members in another tab on the website.
We have two Parish Councillors and a Bucks Council Councillor on our committee, enabling us to have local information, planning, and development issues, etc. shared monthly.
Minutes of our meetings are on a tab on the website and residents are welcomed at the beginning of every meeting to raise issues or discuss local plans and concerns about the community and use of the Green Belt.
What do we do?
We promote the welfare and interests of our community and, where appropriate, combine our efforts with other bodies for the benefit of our residents.
Protect We live close to London, Slough, and Heathrow and benefit from being close to major transport infrastructure.
This means we face many threats to the tranquility, quality of life, and character of Richings Park that our community wishes to preserve. With the increase in developments, commerce, and at the moment, plans to build a number of Data Centres and the erosion of the Green Belt for other developments it is important that we have a strong collective voice.
Coordinate We work with other bodies to make sure the best interests of our community are promoted. Two of our committee members regularly attend Heathrow committees and members of the committee are also active in sub-committees concerning lorry movements, air quality etc.
Drive Community Spirit We aim to promote what is going on within our community. Having a connected village is important for driving initiatives and maintaining our community spirit.
Link to our constitution.
When do we meet?
The Committee meets every month to address issues and act as a voice for the local community. The first 20 minutes of each committee meeting are open to all residents to raise any concerns.
Our meetings are held at Richings Sports Club at 7:30pm.
Our next committee meeting is on Monday 24th February 2025
How do I get involved?
We always need help and support – we are all volunteers! This can be a little or a lot, as many hands make the area a better place to live. Please, please get in touch!
What's App
We have What's app groups for most of our roads and a Richings Park Community What's App page for information about what is happening in the Park - alerts about train delays, road works, items for sale, and What's on. Use the contact form below to let us know your street, your name and mobile phone number and we will send you a link to join.
We are funded through the residents of Richings Park and Thorney. We ask for the equivalent of only 10p a week to support the association – this is then reinvested back into the community to support initiatives, events and the upkeep of community spaces. Some examples of what we have successfully achieved in recent times include:
Raising funds to build a children's playground at Richings Park Sports Club;
A defibrillator for the village centre (outside the new take away shop)
Organising events, such as #RichingsChristmas, Centenary events etc.
Funding litter picking equipment for #RichingsSparkle carried out by resident volunteers
When and how do I become a member?
Due? Annual subs are due in April every year
How much? £5 per house per year
Pay? Cheque or cash in the envelopes provided or by Direct Debit or Pay Pal
Please give to either your Road Steward or drop at our local Costcutter
Pay online:
If you would like to pay by Direct debit, it is £5 per annum.
Lloyds Bank
Richings Park Residents Association
Sort Code 30 97 73
Acc No 00699180
Support our lottery
Each £5 paid makes an essential contribution to the hard and voluntary
work the Residents’ Association undertakes on your behalf.