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9 March 2021 Wexham & Ivers Community Board

Members of Wexham & The Ivers Community Board want to encourage local people to make the most of their local environment as they fund four new initiatives enhancing the local area and making it safer for everyone.

At the board’s recent meeting, members agreed funding for the following:

  • Installation of new cycle racks in both the recreational grounds in the Ivers to encourage residents to cycle to them instead of making the journey by car.

  • Improvements at Richings Park by removing an old tree stump that was blocking access to the residents' garden on Bathhurst Walk and planting another tree.

  • Installation of CCTV & ANPR cameras at Wood Lane and Pinewood Road as part of the Thames Valley Police supported Smartville initiative which encourages a community-led approach to tackling local crime and antisocial behaviour, including flytipping.

  • Transformation of an area of Iver Environment Centre, replacing a concreted area with a biodiverse wildflower meadow for the benefit of the whole community.

Iver Environment  Centre is run as a partnership between the National Grid and The Groundwork South Trust. Centre Manager Katy Barton said: “This new area will be both exciting for visitors and valuable for native wildlife. I can’t wait to see families watching bees on wildflowers; filling the pollen sacs on their legs and scattering pollen over the flower. At a time when supporting pollinators is so important we are thrilled to receive this grant and be able to make such a big difference for local wildlife.”

Wexham & The Ivers Community Board Chairman, Jilly Jordan said: “As a community board we are delighted to be able to contribute to a wide variety of projects and initiatives to improve local areas.  Something as simple as removing a tree stump or installing a few cycle racks may seem like small and insignificant gestures, but these are things that are important to local residents and can make a real difference to their everyday lives.”

In addition to the funding applications, the meeting heard updates on the matters being addressed by each of the sub-groups:

  • Covid-19 response and recovery

  • Transport & Infrastructure

  • Community Safety

  • Green Spaces

The working groups are open for anyone with an interest to get involved. To find out more email:

Like all community boards, Wexham & The Ivers is able to focus on local matters as and when they arise. This occurred recently when a planning application from the nearby Pinewood Studios was submitted. The community board set up a dedicated working group to look in more detail at the application and its implications for the local area.

You can keep up to date with all the latest news from the Wexham & The Ivers Community Board on Facebook:

You can view a recording of the board meeting online:

For more information on the Iver Environment Centre visit their website:


18 January 2020 (updated): Temporary parking suspensions for Richings Park

Following the recent parking review there are new parking signs and lines planned for Richings Park, Monday to Friday.  These new permanent parking controls will be introduced at the same time as the new car park opens in Thorney Lane South - this is to avoid driving away potential customers from the new car park if the scheme were to be implemented too early.  Unfortunately the build of the car park has been delayed, with no firm date available at the moment, although we are anticipating late 2020.  Transport for Bucks (TfB) is unable to implement the full parking scheme any sooner as it has been funded by the car park developer, who has stipulated that the scheme be implemented to coincide with the opening of the car park.  However, Iver Parish Council and Richings Park Residents Association have negotiated a short term deal with TfB to implement temporary parking suspensions at some limited locations to help reduce the parking problems.  This will be short term and whilst we would prefer the whole scheme to be implemented now, the aim of these temporary controls is to alleviate traffic bottlenecks and promote pedestrian safety in some parking hotspots:

  • on the junction of Syke Cluan and Bathurst Walk;

  • on the junction of Syke Ings and Bathurst Walk;

  • on the Bathurst Walk and Wellesley Avenue crossroads;

  • on the north side of Bathurst Walk opposite Costcutter (a short stretch between Wellesley Avenue and Thorney Lane South);

  • on the junction of Bathurst Walk and Thorney Lane South; and

  • on the junction of Wellesley Avenue and Somerset Way.


The temporary parking suspensions will be implemented by the end of January and will be enforced by Transport for Buckinghamshire.

16 January 2020: Air quality survey Richings Park and Iver

South Bucks District Council is preparing an action plan to improve local air quality (summarised in a 2-page briefing document).  The council has acknowledged in its draft action plan (link) that the main contributor to poor air quality in our area is HGvs and that reducing HGV movements should be a priority.  They are asking residents to complete an online survey to help formulate their plan (link to survey here).  The survey is open until 14 February 2020 - please ask your family and neighbours to complete this for Richings Park so that we can get some action on our HGV problems and hence improve our quality of life.  This is our opportunity to lobby the council to (in your own words please):

  • Provide a relief road that diverts HGV traffic away from Richings Park and not just Iver village (as currently proposed - see Priority 4 in the council's draft action plan)

  • Take action against developments around Richings Park that propose to put more HGVs on our roads - this includes Heathrow's expansion plans (Priority 2)

  • Take firm action against HGV operators that flout current rules about not travelling north via Thorney Lane South

  • Implement measures to stop HGVs rat running through the centre of Richings Park

  • Implement the planned parking controls in Richings Park as soon as possible to stop commuters benefitting from free parking in our village and hence alleviate the traffic impasse when HGVs become stuck in the village centre

  • Campaign against other developments, both within and outside of South Bucks, that will contribute further to poor air quality, such as moving the Colnbrook incinerator closer to Richings Park

  • Reduce the number of HGVs being used by existing commercial enterprises (Priority 3)

  • Work with  Slough Borough Council to alleviate traffic congestion at the junction of Sutton Lane/Parlaunt Road that causes traffic jams along the entire length of North Park

  • Take action against illegal airport car parks setting-up in our area, which brings yet more unecessary traffic into our area

  • Work with Heathrow to stop airport HGVs using Richings Park and the surrounding areas as waiting zones.


14 January 2020: TfL train service


A new card reader has been introduced at Iver station by TfL for contactless card payment, although it is not yet enabled for Oyster cards.  However, fare capping is yet to be introduced (expected Spring 2020) which means you will be charged for a single fare each time you use your contactless payment card, therefore, it may be more economic to purchase a return ticket or London travelcard. 


If you wish to claim a 'Service Delay Refund' and have used a contactless payment card, you can do this online via your account on the TfL website (link).  If you have purchased a paper ticket, currently the only way to claim a refund is to contact TfL customer services, either online or by email (, providing a copy of your ticket and receipt, along with details of your delayed journey.  (GWR Delay Repay no longer applies as services are now operated by TfL.)

13 January 2020: Heathrow-Iver Local Liason Group

The first meeting of the new Heathrow-Iver Local Liason Group with their community engagement manager, Steven Beauchamp, will take place on Monday 20 January.  The purpose is to foster an ongoing relationship between Heathrow and the communities that expansion may affect; and to keep people informed of current and future developments as well as providing a voice for residents.  Heathrow will facilitate the meetings, but ultimately they will be chaired by a local resident.  The first meeting will set the ground rules, but the Terms of Reference will be set in collaboration.  Attendees will be from community, voluntary, sporting and faith groups in Richings Park, Iver and Iver Heath.  We will keep you informed of progress.



18 December 2019: Planning application Lakeside Energy from Waste replacement



The planning application for the replacement Lakeside Energy from Waste (EfW) plant is still under consideration by Slough Borough Council . The application and consultation responses can be viewed here (reference no. P/17826/000).  RPRA has objected on the grounds that the green belt immediately surrounding our area and to the south is under threat from the expansion plans by Heathrow Airport and relocation of the current EfW plant to the proposed site (closer to Richings Park) will add to the loss. 

A video outlining the operation of the plant can be viewed here:     __ VIDEO __

6 December 2019: Zebra crossing Thorney Lane South consultation

The proposed zebra crossing in Thorney Lane South has been approved by Bucks County Council following public consultation (decision notice).  This is in anticipation of the station car park being built opposite Bathurst Walk.  We have no news on the date of installation, but presumably it would be timed to coincide with the opening of the car park.

2 December 2019: Smart Motorway Update

The Old Slade Lane bridge is planned to be taken down on the weekend of 24-27 January 2020, as part of the M4 Smart Motorway Project.  There will be 24/7 working for the entire weekend and in the weeks before bridge demolition, a temporary haul road will be constructed adjacent to the bridge for construction purposes.  Access to build the haul road will be via Old Slade Lane, but this will be short term.  An explanatory leaflet has been produced by the Highways Authority (link) and further details can be found here.


8 November 2019: New bus service to Heathrow Terminal 5


Commencing Monday 4th November, a trial using alternative fuel vehicles will operate a limited hourly service Monday to Friday until December 20th and again from 2nd to 30th January 2020 (link to timetable).  Full electric and Compressed Natural Gas powered vehicles will be trialed. This trial service will be FREE until 30th January. Reading Buses are asking for feedback on the suitability of these vehicles.  From 3rd February 2020 an hourly service will be introduced from approximately 0300 – 2400.  Normal fares will be charged. For more details click here.

December 19, 2018: Heathrow land reference questionnaire

A number of residents, particularly those close to the fields adjoining the M4, will have received a questionnaire from Heathrow enquiring as to the nature of their interest in their properties eg. mortgage details etc.  It must be emphasised that you are under no obligation to provide Heathrow with this information.  The enquiries are part of their process to submit a planning application for runway expansion.  This has been discussed amongst the other community groups affected and also with the Heathrow Community Engagement Board.  The general concensus is that we recommend that you do not complete the form as that will assist in frustrating Heathrow in their task.  As far as Richings Park is concerned, we are fighting to get Heathrow to include us within their Wider Property Offer Zone which would enable home owners to seek compensation for disruption as a result.  We are also seeing the first signs of property blight as sales are falling through due to buyers' concerns over expansion plans.  Not completing the questionnaires gives us a lever on Heathrow to include us.

November 2nd, 2018: Unitary authority announcement

The Secretary of State, James Brokenshire, has announced that he will be accepting the proposal to establish a single unitary authority for Buckinghamshire, excluding Milton Keynes.  This will mean that South Bucks District Council will be dissolved and its responsibilities transferred to a new authority.  The new authority is scheduled to be running in May 2020 with elections for its councillors in April 2020.  A consequence of this is that the local elections for district and parish councils in 2019  will be cancelled as there would be no point in electing councillors who would only have a year in office. Further details can be found here.​

EfW planning app
TFL Rail
Heathrow questionnaire
New bus service
Heathrow engagement
Parking controls


Smart motorway update
Zebra crossing
Unitary authority
Air quality survey

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